Saturday, July 16, 2022

 Sisterhood Kallah - Friday, July 15 and Saturday July 16

Marilyn picked up Terry and we proceeded to the Marriott Schaumburg for our Sisterhood Kallah. We got there early so we could put together the goodie bags.

With help from Renee, we got the bags assembled and to the Kallah Registration desk in the lobby.

Registration was from 3 - 5 p.m., followed by a Get Acquainted BJBES(Sisterhood) Bingo type game where we had to find someone who:

Had been to all 50 states, Liked Red Wine, Loves to Sing, Has Gone Camping, Has a Sister, is a Snowbird, Enjoys National Parks, Loves Coffee, Is a Grandmother, Played Sports, Likes to Garden, Knows Another Language, Kints or Crochets, Has Danced in the Rain, Has Seen a Play in New York City, Been to Sea World, Has Been on a Cruise, Subscribes to Marriott Theatre, Has A Facebook Account, Went to the Gala, Has lived in another State, Been to a Bears Game, Loves Cheesecake, Has a Dog, Has Had Acupuncture.

We also played another game with dice.  One person rolls the dice until she gets doubles and then stops.  While she is doing that, the person next to her is unraveling a big ball of saran wrap that has prizes inside - the unraveler has to stop when doubles is rolled.

We then had a delicious Shabbat dinner.  The dessert was a delicious piece of chocolate cake. (Yes, we both did not sleep well after eating that cake).

Cantor Kurland lead us in a lovely Shabbat Service.

We then all posed for a group photo.  Terry and I are in the back row on the left.

After the photo, Ethel, Andi, Terry and I played mah jongg (Marilyn brought her set).

Saturday, July 16

We had breakfast at the Hotel Buffet along with Myrna and Lois.  After breakfast, we had a beautiful shabbat service, led by Cantor Kurland.  Following the service was a workshop with Phyllis Steiner about our Hebrew names.  Terry's Hebrew Name means ruler (that will go to her head!). Marilyn's Hebrew Name means Song or Star of the Sea.  We then found our corresponding name in the Tanuk (Jewish Bible).  Phyllis has a chart that make it easy to find.

We then had a lunch buffet in a room below the lobby level.  They mistakenly put ham on the buffet and Lynne was upset and had them remove it.  Terry would have liked to have had the ham.

Cantor Kurland did a session on melodies for the songs sung at services and how melodies change and people get upset because it is not THEIR version of the song(s).

To wrap up, we all said what we liked about the 24 hours!

As Social Action Co-Chairs, we had asked everyone to bring bags with birthday party supplies. We had 17 bags that we had to stuff into the car and then switch to Terry's car to deliver to the Northfield Township Food Pantry on Monday. 

Monday, July 11, 2022

 Boo Hoo, we have to leave Interlochen.  There is a threat of rain so Terry is eager to get things into the car before we had rain.  Even leaving Marilyn about to enter the shower (naked) and to go do that.  Marilyn was not amused, someone could have walked in.  In fact, she got into the shower with her glasses still on being distracted by Terry leaving!

We went to Dilbert's Cafe for breakfast.  We tried a table first, but it had cold air blowing.  Moved to a booth and IT HAD COLD AIR BLOWING. Asked the waitress if it has to be so cold and she said YES because of the kitchen.  I put my purse on the floor, over the air register, and that stopped the blowing at our booth.

Martha went back to Mt. Pleasant after breakfast and Terry, Ida and I made our way back to our homes.

We stopped at a rest area and Terry drove for awhile.  I drove again, and we then got gas - I had to guess how much gas to pay for as the pump did not take credit cards!  REALLY????  I guessed right for 3/4 of a tank...$50.00 got us a pretty full tank.

We hit a little rain, but nothing too bad and traffic moved even in the construction areas.

We stopped at a McDonalds for lunch - first class all the way!!!

Our timing was perfect for going through the city and Ida was home by 4 p.m., and it was smooth sailing to get to Marilyn's and unload and Terry had a few more miles to get home (her car was in Marilyn's parking space).

Sunday, July 10, 2022

 Sunday, July10, 2022.

Happy Birthday to us!!!

Martha's friend Ruth (who lives in Traverse City) saved a table for us at Rico's for breakfast.

After breakfast Ruth came back to see what our units looked like.  We then went up to campus- Ida and Terry walked - Marilyn drove.  Martha and Ruth both drove up to campus.

Terry went into Stone for a salad and took it outside, on the water, to eat it.  Ida and Marilyn were already down by the water.

A free soft-serve ice cream cone sounded good and the three of us went up to Melody Freeze for ice cream.

We then met Ruth and Martha at Corson for a concert - A Benj. Britton and a South American composer were on the schedule.

Terry and I went back for naps while Ruth, Martha and Ida went to an organ concert.

We then met up at Stone Cafeteria for a pizza dinner before the concert with the WYSO.

Ida, Ruth, Martha, Marilyn, Terry

We came back to celebrate our birthday (and Ida and Martha's which we had missed).

Saturday, July 9, 2022

 We both woke up fairly early but went back to sleep.  Finally got up and had breakfast.  Ida and Martha came over and Terry made them some breakfast.  They were getting a late start.

We then drove to Glenn Arbor, which was a nice ride on country roads (thank goodness for GPS).

We did some tasting of the goodies at Cherry Republic and than had lunch inside at their restaurant.

After lunch we came back to nap before heading to the Jazz Concert (Ida, Terry and Marilyn).  Martha went to a concert at Corson.

The kids were so talented.  The concert was at the Fine Arts Building, none of us had been there before.

After the concert, we met Martha outside and came back to our cabin for goodies.

Friday, July 8, 2022

 We had breakfast in our room:  yogurt, blueberries and the left-over bread from last night.  

Ida and Terry walked to campus, while Martha had driven over earlier for breakfast at Stone Cafeteria.  Marilyn drove over to the Chapel and met everyone there.

We heard Intermediate and Junior kids in piano recitals.  Some were really quite good.

We then all drove in Marilyn's car back to the cabins as it was drizzling.  After getting umbrellas, etc.  we all proceeded back to Stone Cafeteria (Ida and Terry walked), Martha and Marilyn rode.  We said we'd meet in the Stone Lobby, but Terry and Ida thought Martha and Marilyn had gone through the line so they went through the line.  Called Marilyn to say - Where Are You?

It turned out to be a beautiful day after all and the drizzle was history.

Investigated the elevator on the Corson Plaza that goes down to the waterfront.  However, there are stairs to get to the elevator!  Someone did not think that out.

Went to the gift shop -nothing of interest.

Went to the new dance building and enjoyed some two-week campers showing off what they had learned.  Only one boy!

When we got back to our room, we thought we would catch the news- TV did not work.  When Terry called, she told them that she thought the remote needed a battery.  They sent TWO people, without a battery.  Some time later, one returned with a remote with a new battery.  They had manually turned the TV on, to a channel with porn (or a bad movie)....OMG.

Terry and I decided that we would eat our leftovers from last night and Ida and Martha decided to get  salads at Stone Cafeteria.

Ida had a ticket for Othello, and Martha was going to a concert at Corson.  We decided to tune into our Temple service.

We are now chilling out.





Thursday, July 7, 2022

Terry came to my house and left her car in my parking space as we headed off to pick up Ida for our trip to Interlochen. 

We drove to Saugatuck and lunch on the patio (overlooking the water) at Coral Gables.  Nice looking boats and a little activity on the water was pleasant. Terry and I had perch sandwiches in memory of MaryJane.

Terry drove for awhile and hit some construction.  Then Marilyn took over the driving.  Stopped for gas in Cadillac and on to Interlochen.

Martha was there before us and checked us in.  She and Ida are in 306 and Terry and I are in 308. They are across from each other.

We unpacked and then went to Boone’s for dinner.  Ida, Terry and I have leftovers.

Stopped at the grocery story to purchase some mini bagels, orange juice, yogurt and fruit.

Back to our cabin and Terry’s wonderful baked goods and Martha’s cherries.

Good conversation and then we hit the bed.